5. Calling a Dutch braid a French braid and the reverse | The Odyssey Online
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10 Of My Most Perturbing Pet Peeves

You will appreciate not being alone on this.

10 Of My Most Perturbing Pet Peeves

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We all have certain things that bug the living hell out of us, these are called pet peeves. They are unique to every person, just as unique as appearances. Let's see if you can reason with mine. (It's also fun to discuss these with a friend!) So go ahead, grab someone and let's all discuss these agonizing things together.

1. Being a half hour to an hour late to EVERYTHING

We probably all remember a time where we couldn't drive. Therefore, our parents had to take us to our friend's house, the movies, " McDonald's, anywhere we needed to be. Speaking for me, my friends would tell the rest of my friend group and me to come over at four. When it came to be about 3:45 p.m. I would be on the couch waiting on my mother to take me because I include drive time. My mom would see me sitting on the couch and instead of leaving then, she goes down to the basement to do laundry. Then we have to wait on the dryer to be done because it wasn't ready. When the dryer is done, I have to wait and let the clothes be folded, then I would be asked to help put away clothes. Then our dogs need to be taken out, and by the time we are ready to leave I would look at the time and it would be 4:25 p.m. I calculate some drive time and I would be there at 4:40 p.m.

As a kid just trying to hang out with her best friends, this was pretty heart crushing.

2. Slow people in the fast lane

That one time when you are late for something and there's that one driver... We have all been there. Based on where I live though, seven times out of 10 it is going to be a tractor instead of a grandma.

3. Changing plans last minute

Those quick instances where I have to look at my phone, or else we're (Yes me and my late mother) are going to go to the wrong place *rolls eyes*. Not only does this happen when trying to hang out with friends, it also happens when it's storming and there's a soccer practice scheduled in 10 minutes. Or, ladies, how about that 45-minute curling session, 15-minute hairdo, and 55-minute makeup job done for a romantic candlelit dinner just to get stood up FIVE minutes before they said they would pick you up. You bet your ass I am still going out.

4. Tan lines, just tan lines

Now, I have gotten over this pet peeve of mine for the most part, but I use to absolutely hate having multiple tan lines on my body. Also, keep in mind that I never cared about anyone else walking around with tan lines, just me. Anyway, I hated being multiple shades. For my skin type, just getting darker was a challenge, then add me not liking being three different shades of burnt? All this caused was trouble for me going outside and me being paler than recent years. I knew that it is acceptable and pretty common, I just couldn't get over mine at the time.

5. Calling a Dutch braid a French braid and the reverse

I am a big self-taught cosmetologist without the degree (obviously). I understand that the general public doesn't know the difference between a Dutch Braid and a French brand, and it's typical for people to just call a braid a braid, and leave it at that. But just so I can maybe inspire some of my viewers to learn the difference, I will explain. A French Braid is a braid composed of three pieces of hair weaved inward. And for a Dutch Braid? Yup, you guessed it. It's a three-piece braid weaved outward!

6. Finishing turns while playing board games

I knowww, "Monopoly" is a long game, and. I knowww that there's always one person playing that takes their sweet-ass time rolling the dice and moving their piece. But, when anyone plays with me, I make them wait there turn. I have a reason for this. Say we are playing a game like "Sorry," if we just keep going through turns without watching everyone take their turn, someone won't move or move too much to get another person out. Chaos is bound to happen. Basically, I trust absolutely no one playing board games.

7. Chewing with their mouths open

Now, this isn't a pet peeve of mine, but it is one that of my boyfriend. And I am obviously guilty on this. My excuse? I'm too hungry to take small bites and want to devour my food (I'm working on it though).

8. Family gatherings that take too long

Normally, this doesn't happen to me, but when it does, I'm not a happy camper. Most of the time there is games or food or something to entertain me until we leave. There is a few instances though where I'm just sitting on the couch, staring at a wall. I get annoyed with everyone and practically run out the door when someone else says their leaving (I don't want to be the first person to leave, that's rude).

9. Wearing almost the same color of top and pants

Now, recently it has become a trend to wear all black, grey, and white clothes. Tracksuits, jumpers, even rompers make it super easy to do that. However, what about navy and dark navy jeans? Yellow and yellow? Red and red? You all get the gist. It is not OK!

10. When I'm ready to leave work and the manager makes me help the cooks

When I am not busy at a restaurant, I close my section. Then I can leave. Easy, right? Wrong. We get paid four dollars an hour and after we get our stuff done like we need too and can leave early, I want to leave early. But I get asked to stay and help the cooks with a task. Now, you would think that since I was asked I could say no, but that is not the case. I go, help with the task, whatever it may be, then I leave. Wasting at-least 20 minutes that I could have had in freedom.

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