Modern capitalistic governance acts on behalf of the system itself, a system that has failed to improve decades-long global economic crises that have turned the world upside-down. A system of oppression of many forms and gaping economic inequalities. Modern neoliberalism produced intangible economic solutions to an economic crisis, like throwing trillions to banks and major financial institutions, while most measurable economic “recovery” has amassed for the few. Can we still trust many leaders today?
This is why the Committee for Workers International (CWI/CIT) is gaining attention. It runs today as an international socialist organization with 45 sections around the world, fighting “shoulder to shoulder” to fix the political and social problems of capitalism, like for better pay, social services, and an end to budget cuts.
Socialist Alternative, the American section of the CWI/CIT, led a historical wave of struggle for a $15 per hour minimum wage, eventually leading to the betterment of living standards for hundreds of thousands.
The American section fought against the proposed construction of an unneeded police station in Seattle and pushed the city council to use the $160 million in public funds for 1,000 new units of affordable housing, directly benefiting thousands of low-income and homeless people and pushing back against unnecessary over-militarization of police. This initiative was won through sustained public opposition and protest led by Socialist Alternative, using concrete demands to make its message clear.
Across the Atlantic, the CWI/CIT integrally influenced a historic victory for the students and people of Spain. In October, millions of students and allies walked out of school in a nation-wide general strike against the Revalidas Fanquistas, introducing heightened matriculation requirements into public universities that keep students with less resources from attaining a higher education, while not improving on the quality of public universities themselves.
Through this initiative the CIT/CIT made clear that Cuidadanos (right-wing Citizens party) and the leaders of PSEO (social democratic party) will not be allowed liberty in future cuts and attacks on public education and their latest aims towards forming an “Education Pact” that directly harms students and families in Spain, among similar regressive education legislation around the world.
In Ireland, the Socialist Party of the CWI/CIT proclaimed victory after years of leading a massive movement to suspend water charges from water privatization, forcing millions to pay out-of-pocket for the essential substance and harking against their economic well-being.
Grassroots waves of anger alongside the anti-water charged movement capitulated the AAA (Anti-Austerity Alliance) with CIT/CIT member Paul Murphy, to win a parliamentary seat in the Dublin South-West By-election, changing the dynamic of the political situation and showing that a left challenge to regressive capitalist governance is possible.
These initiatives and more prove real economic improvement for average people is achievable, but only with the empathetic and able bodies and minds of the working class itself. The Committee for a Worker’ International is growing everyday, and needs all the help it can get. Visit to learn more and join!