I am a girl who experiences way too many “first world problems.” To give you some insight, I was more than simply disappointed when Lululemon discontinued their flare leg yoga pants and I’m about to start an intense month-long diet because the freshman fifteen has proven itself to be real. Some may interpret these instances situations in which I am just overreacting. However, with little to nothing to complain about, sometimes small things blow up in my face and become a bit of a problem. With this all being said, one of my largest facing first world problems is commitment.
I mean, I’ve already written an article on why nobody should be in relationships at my age. Now I’m ranting about my commitment issues? The whole idea is just kind out of reach to me right now. And I’m not only talking about being committed to a significant other. That kind of commitment sits on a large, golden throne about a million miles away from me. I assume somewhere on Jupiter or something? Anyways, I’m not gonna even acknowledge that sort of commitment. Because I think my readers can assume what my feelings toward that are..
I’m talking about simple issues that I run into on a daily basis. Should I get the leather jacket with the multiple zippers or the more simple one? My mom and I stood in the middle of South Moon Under for about fifteen minutes until I finally came to a not-so-confident decision of the simple one. (By the way- which one do you guys like better? Honestly, I still can’t decide and it’s never too late to make a switch..) Here they are:
As I type, my mom is attempting to pack about 100 articles of clothing into a suitcase that is refusing to zip. Why did I pack so much to come home for one week? I wore the same outfit about 5 of those days if I’m being completely honest. It’s because I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to bring. Instead of being logical, I packed every single pair of leggings I owned and a sweatshirt to match each one. Now I’m facing the consequences, as my mom bitches at me that my suitcase is going to be oversized and I won’t be #blessed with Southwest’s free bag checks.
The idea of even ranting about my commitment issues arose as I was trying to concoct a creative article for my Facebook friends to enjoy and relate to after a relaxing Thanksgiving with a high-strung Black Friday to follow. I began about three different articles and got increasingly frustrated that I couldn’t commit to finish anything I started. Then, all of a sudden it was like a lightbulb appeared over my head.
I have commitment issues! I haven’t stopped typing since my epiphany. Maybe I’m committed? Or maybe I just have way too many examples of my commitment issues to share..
Either way, I assume these commitment issues come with my current age. My views are shaping, my interests are changing, and my characteristics are finally coming together. I’m not as confident and passionate about certain things as I used to be. Possibly, things in my life are getting mushed together and shit just isn’t as clear as it once was. It’s not a negative thing, it just means I’m growing and maturing. So, I’m gonna pin this as my worst #firstworldproblem.
BTW: I’m gonna take on this commitment issue thing head on and FULLY COMMIT (woah!) to that diet I mentioned earlier!