I'm at a point in my life where marriage is all around me. Newly engaged couples, "I said yes to the dress" posts and wedding photos routinely decorate my Facebook and Instagram feeds. Then the older I get, the more my family and friends notice when there is the absence of a man in my life. Along with that, being a wedding photographer puts marriage at the forefront of my mind often.
I could go on the soapbox about how I'm still young, figuring out myself and enjoying my current state of independence, but I'm not going to do that. To some extent we can say that's true, but that's not why dating or marriage isn't a priority in my life.
Marriage is the most serious commitment you make in life. I see marriage as the highest act of God - it's beautiful, pure and sacred. It's when two souls join together and become one.
You're promising this person that you will love them as God loves us. This means you promise to love this person at their strongest and their weakest. You will forgive his or her sins as He forgave us. It's a promise to be with them until death do you part - and beyond that, if that is your belief.
In my future day to day life, that means I'm committing to sharing my bed, my money, my home, my car and even my favorite dessert - as long as he asks nicely. Everything that once was mine now becomes ours.
As the world around me begins their post-martial lives I can't help but smile and "like" every Facebook post celebrating their happiness. My hopeless romantic heart is in love with love. Being a single girl doesn't mean I'm bitter, as the stereotype goes, it just means I'm not ready for the biggest commitment of my life and I haven't found the right person to do that with yet.