COMMERCIAL DOOR REPAIR TORONTO - Residential and Commercial Doors, Windows, Windows Services | The Odyssey Online
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COMMERCIAL DOOR REPAIR TORONTO - Residential and Commercial Doors, Windows, Windows Services


COMMERCIAL DOOR REPAIR TORONTO - Residential and Commercial Doors, Windows, Windows Services

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One of the most common problems that any business will face is a broken door. Whether it’s a residential or commercial door, windows, and/or windowsills, our team at Toronto Door Repair can help. We have years of experience repairing all types of doors and windows, so you can trust us to get the job done right. We offer a wide range of services, including repairs, installations, replacements, and more. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experts!

What is Commercial Door Repair Toronto?

Commercial door repair Toronto is your one-stop solution for all your door and window needs. We offer a wide range of services, including residential and commercial doors, windows, and window replacement. Our experienced technicians are certified and qualified to handle your repair or installation with precision and care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Types of Doors We Service

Commercial and residential doors, windows, and windows can all benefit from the right repair. From broken locks to peeling paint, our team at Toronto Commercial Door Repair will take care of everything for you. We offer a wide range of services that include:

Residential door repairs: If your door is not opening or closing properly, we can help with that. Broken hinges, stuck latches, or warped doorknobs can all be fixed.

Commercial door repairs: Our team is equipped to handle any type of commercial door need – from broken locks to peeling paint. We also have a wide range of tools and equipment at our disposal, so we can get the job done quickly and accurately. If you need commercial door repair in Toronto, call us today!

Common Door Problems We Encounter

At Commercial Door Repair Toronto, we understand the importance of a functioning door. Our team of experts provides quality service and repair for residential and commercial doors, windows, and windows in Toronto. Some common door problems we encounter include:

1. Broken or Missing Latch

2. Rusty Hinges or Frame

3. Leaking Windows or Doors

4. Damaged Weatherstripping

5. Corroded Security Hardware

6. Cracked Glass

How to Fix Common Door Problems

If your door is not opening or closing properly, there may be a problem with the door's hardware or the door's mechanisms. Here are some common door problems and how to fix them:

The door won't open from the inside If the door won't open from the inside, there may be something blocking the door's motion or there may be something wrong with the lock. To check if something is blocking the motion of the door, try pushing on one side of the door while pulling on the other side. If it moves in either direction, then something is blocking its movement.

The most likely obstruction is a piece of furniture or a person. In some cases, it can also be due to debris build-up in between the latch and jamb which can stop the latch from operating properly. If this is an issue on a residential door, you may need to hire a professional to clean out this debris. To clean out this debris yourself, use a plunger to suction onto one end of the latch and pull up gently. Be careful not to pull too hard as you could break off part of the latch! If this doesn't work, you may need to replace the door’s mechanism.

The door won't close from the outside Due to weather conditions or vandalism, your commercial door might not close completely from the outside. This can cause significant damage to your business if it isn't fixed quickly! There are a few things that you can do to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Try manually closing and opening the door a few times to see if it moves more freely. If it does, then there is probably something obstructing the door's motion. This could be something as simple as leaves or twigs caught in the door's mechanisms.
  2. Check to see if the door has any loose screws or bolts that could be causing the issue.
  3. Check to see if there is any debris or water accumulation on the inside and outside of the door hinges. This can cause the door to not close completely due to obstruction from within or outside. In some cases, you may need to replace the hinges.

What to Do if Your Door is Damaged

If you have damage to your door, there are a few things that you can do. First, call the police and file a report. If the door is damaged beyond repair, then you will need to replace it. If the damage is not too severe, then you may be able to repair it yourself. Try to open and close the door a few times from different angles. This will help determine if the problem is with the door itself or if something is blocking its motion. Look for obstructions on the outside of the door such as branches or rocks. If there are any objects in between the door and the closures, they can interfere with its operation. Check to see if the door's strike plate is properly aligned. If it isn't, it can cause the door to not close completely. If all these tests fail, you may need to replace the door's mechanism.

  1. Get an estimate from a professional contractor or repair shop. Do not try to fix the door yourself unless you are very experienced and know what you're doing.
  2. Remove any hinges and panels if possible. This will allow you to access the hinge mechanism and make repairs more easily.
  3. Check the hinges for tightness and wear. Replace any that are worn or loose.
  4. Clean all the dirt, adhesive, and other debris from around the door handle, lock, and door strike plate area. This will help ensure that the door opens smoothly in future repairs or replacements.
  5. Replace any broken nails or screws with new ones using a proper size screwdriver."


If you need commercial door repair in Toronto, then you've come to the right place. At our professional business doors repair shop, we have years of experience helping businesses and homeowners with all sorts of commercial door issues. From broken locks to water damage, we're here to help. Give us a call today and let us take care of everything – your business will thank you!

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