Being a vegetarian isn't necessarily easy any time of the year — but it's especially difficult around the holidays. Since so much of the holidays revolve around food, it's no surprise that vegetarians face an influx of comments about their dietary choices. We're forced to roll our eyes and smile politely as we answer the same questions and respond to the same comments over and over again. Here are the things every vegetarian hates to hear around the holidays.
1. I didn't know you didn't eat meat.
This usually comes after you find out the only thing you can eat at the dinner is salad and bread. No, Aunt Karen, by diet hasn't changed since last year. I still don't eat meat.
2. Is a salad okay?
That's like asking if a PB&J is okay while everyone else is having a three-course meal. Just because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean I like salad.
3. You've always been the hippy of the family.
Because apparently, deciding to forgo meat at every meal makes me a weed-smoking, tree-hugging, flower-crowned hippy.
4. Eating meat isn't bad for you, you know.
They say as they cite an obscure study they found on a Yahoo article. Your one anecdote of evidence isn't going to make me change my diet.
5. Where do you get your protein?
This will likely be asked a multitude of times while you're at dinner. Because even though you explain that protein comes from more than just meat, no one at the dinner table gets it.
6. I hope I'm not offending you by eating meat.
I hope I'm not offending you by rolling my eyes at that comment. I won't say anything about your diet if you stop talking about mine.
7. Can you bring something for yourself?
While I don't always mind making a dish for myself if I know it's an occasion where multiple people are bringing food, being asked to make a dish for myself for a family gathering just says you don't want to cater to my dietary restrictions at all.
8. So you don't eat cheese either?
No, that's vegan. Vegetarians just don't eat meat.
9. You must be trying to lose weight.
Choosing not to eat meat doesn't mean I'm on some fad diet. I don't do it for a temporary weight fix, I do it because of the long-term health and environmental benefits.
10. Do you do yoga, too?
Please stop stereotyping me as some health-freak woman who does yoga and sings to the birds every morning. I can choose to not eat meat and not follow the health-food, crystal-worshipping craze.
11. Oh, I was vegetarian once! For, like, a day.
No, that doesn't make you a vegetarian. It's called "Meatless Monday."
12. You can't stay a vegetarian forever.
I never said I was going to. But since you've challenged — just watch me.