A lot of times in life, there are unwritten rules like the whole "don't chew with your mouth open."
You won't technically get in trouble for them but society has just agreed that we're all gonna follow them because it seems like the right thing to do. Well, college is very similar. They've been around since the beginning of time and there's an unwritten contract everyone signs right after you enroll in your first class.
Thus I have put them down in writing finally so there can be no excuses for breaking, what is now known as the 10 Commandments of College
1. Thou shall not sit in my unassigned, assigned seat.
The place you sit on the first day is the place you'll sit for the rest of the year, and if you break this invisible seating chart you WILL enrage the entire class because you've thrown off the entire ecosystem.
2. Thou shall choose their seat wisely.
Not only is the location important because no one wants to be in the front row, but the person you sit next to is about to be your best friend whose name you never learn but you ask to see their notes when the professor changes the slide too quick, or they ask you when the homework is due... Choose wisely.
3. Thou shall not remind the professor to collect homework.
If the professor forgets to collect homework, do not, under ANY circumstances remind them. Don't be that kid, nobody likes that kid. In fact, everyone probably hates that kid whether they did the homework or not.
4. Thou shall not remind the professor class has more time than they thought.
Although the slip up is rare, it is a beautiful gem. If the professor thinks the class gets out earlier than it's supposed to, don't tell them they still have time. This is also the kind of kid you don't want to be. Your silly remark will definitely be followed by groans and dirty looks.
5. Thou shall read the syllabus before they speak.
Do not waste my class time asking a question you would have known the answer to had you read a little book of actual WRITTEN RULES.
6. Thou shall participate in group work.
Everyone dreads group work to begin with, so don't be a freeloader just along for the ride to an A. Actually bring something to the table.
7. Thou shall not judge.
This isn't high school. If I want to ride my scooter to class I will 100% ride my scooter to class, and you should be jealous and inspired by my brilliant idea.
8. Thou shall share the wealth.
This applies to every part of college. You're 21? Supply for the less fortunate (obvs responsibly). Your nameless friend from class missed lecture? Give them the notes, no questions asked. Your mom just sent a care package? Give your roomie a couple of those homemade cookies.
9. Thou shall be a good roommate.
Don't leave a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink for way too long, don't listen to your music too loud or too late... just be a respectful human and I promise you'll get it in return.
10. Thou shall treat thyselves.
College is taxing. Go out on the weekends, get that mani/pedi. Go out to dinner even if your wallet is begging you not to.
Obey these and college will be a breeze. (Besides the 20-page papers and all the reading you have to do, these *probably* won't help with that).