My goal in life was to never be an educator.
It was to never start each day in a classroom, teaching young children subjects I did not care about. This is something I realized three weeks into my freshman year of college, and yes, it was frightening to already have changed my major so early in my college career.
Three years later, I would love to give my 18-year-old self a hug, for finally finding something to be passionate about.
I always loved to be creative; I wrote in journals from a young age, and edited music videos of my friends and I in our awkward teenage years. I always needed to put a special artistic twist on something to make it beautiful in my eyes.
Declaring my major in communication was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It gave me something I thought I never had, a voice.
Now, I already know what you are thinking about, "how are you even going to get a job?" or "Wait, so you want to be a news broadcaster or something?".
Take a second and think about what you just asked me, please.
I am going to get a job just like every other individual after college; with the education I received from my major, and the hard work and dedication I put towards becoming successful in life. Isn't that the goal for everyone? To actually be successful? Communication is a special major; it is broad enough where I could do anything I want with it, which makes it so unique in the first place. My question now is, why are you comparing my college experience to others'?
No, I might not be a nursing or engineering major. I might not need to take incredibly hard math or science classes in order to prove how intelligent I am by getting a problem correct on an exam. And that's okay! But to laugh in my face when I am asked that question every college kid dreads, "So, what are you studying in college?", I don't really understand why my response is comical. Don't be rude and respond, "Oh, so you are taking up space and wasting your parents' money?" or "You do realize how many people are graduating with a communication degree, right?"
Am I missing some sort of joke that the entire world is in on and I'm not?
We are all a working towards different goals in life. I wish this was a concept people actually understood, but I will be more than happy to explain it to you! It is not difficult to respond to someone in a positive way when they confidently discuss with you their goals in life. It is not difficult to keep your harsh and distasteful comments to yourself, and it is not difficult to motivate someone to achieve success in their future.
And if you didn't already know, which I am sure you do not, but large companies NEED people who know how to efficiently communicate with an audience. All those people you see on Instagram and YouTube that you look up to, articles on the latest updates of the celebrities you stalk, commercial's on T.V of products you buy, the information you receive on the news, events planned that you look forward to purchasing tickets for... yup, all communication majors.
We all individually work hard with what we want to accomplish in this world, regardless of what direction it is going in. We are all trying to find something to bring to the table that proves the qualities and knowledge we have will better the world around us. We all have our own individual place in this world.
But don't worry, your rude comments already motivated me even more and allowed me to set even higher goals for myself than I already had. So, I wanted to say a quick thank you!
One of these days, I am going to prove you all wrong with what I can achieve with a communication degree.
You'll see