Coming to college is such an exciting experience. Your to-do list sky rockets with responsibilities, social events, chores, and class preparation. As you embark on your new adventure and take on your new town, always remember a very important and necessary aspect of living on your own: safety. While this information is vital to a freshman, it is always good for upperclassmen to have a reminder as well. Your health and well-being is beyond valuable during your new journey. Don't forget to keep these safety notes in mind.
ALWAYS lock your door to wherever you reside. Ask my roommate, I am crazy about this. Whether I am walking down the street and back to my apartment, or I am hitting the hay for the night, my door is bolted. For the sake of your belongings and yourself, stay secure and aware. Check your door before bed and when you leave. You can never be too careful about this.
When it comes to walking around at night, whether you are on campus or not, it is smart to have a buddy. Especially if you are new to the area, it is nice to have someone by your side when traveling at later hours. If you get lost or stuck in a strange situation, it is nice to know you are not alone.
Don't drink and drive. You hear it all the time on the news, from your parents, and from billboards on the side of the road. They are all right. Although drinking may be an experience you want to enjoy throughout college, a DWI is not. Call an Uber, a sober friend, or if you are at Texas A&M, Carpool. For your safety and the safety of others, do not get behind the wheel if alcohol is in your system.
It is important to know your surroundings. When going out with friends on a Saturday night or exploring a new area of town, be aware of where you are and what it is around you. It is smart to have some familiarity of your environment. If you get lost, it is always helpful to have an idea of your location.
Finally (and this is so mom of me to say), look both ways when crossing the street and cross at actual crosswalks. This sounds like common sense, but when rushing to class, sometimes this is forgotten. Driving on campus can be overwhelming, with confusing roads, bikers, and students rushing in all directions. You do have the right of way, but make sure you are seen by drivers when crossing the road. Do not rush to cross the street while risking getting ran over before you have the signal to cross an intersection. Just wait, look around, and get where you need to go in a safe manner.
These safety ideas seem obvious, and although I feel like a parent while mentioning them, these are easily forgotten. Safety is a simple concept, so always keep it in mind. College is a lot more fun if you are in good shape and ready for any situation. Be aware, be safe, and have fun when you take on your years at a university.