No one everyone tells you how hard college actually is. Class wise, I feel like it's widely known that college can absolutely suck some times (or most of the time) and you will always have something that you need to do, if not a whole checklist of things to do. But people don't talk about the actual worst parts of college and the times you spend bawling uncontrollably while talking on the phone with your mom.
Since I couldn't find anything when I was starting school, here are a few things that I wish I would've known before coming into college.
Surprise! College Can Be Hard
I feel like this is kind of an unspoken rule about school. A lot of times the classes that you think are going to be very easy, those turn out to be the absolute hardest classes you'll ever take.
It's Not Just The Classes That Are Hard
You'll learn quickly a lot of other things add to the stress on top of school, such as money, roommate drama, being homesick, and so much more.
Bad Exam Scores Are InevitableÂ
I found out the hard way, even if you study in the library for seven hours straight you can still get a bad grade on the exam. This is okay and everyone does it. College isn't as easy as high school where you could just do your homework and pass the class with an easy A.
Dinning Hall Food Is Actually Gross
Don't listen to what anyone says. The food is absolutely repulsive. There is a reason why college kids are known for eating Ramen Noodles and it's not just because they're cheap!
The Freshman 15 Is Real
If it's not ordering cookies to the library at midnight or ordering pizza frequently because the dining hall sucks, you'll probably gain it somewhere and that is perfectly normal.
Dorms Are Fun For About The First Semester
After going home for Winter Break, this is when I really noticed how much I missed my queen sized bed at home as well as access to delicious meals and fresh laundry without having to haul it up five flights of stairs.
There Is Always Something To Do
If it's going to a party or just making a run to Target, you will never get bored outside of all your studies.
College Parties Are Serious
It's a whole mission in itself finding something to wear and how you're getting there. By the time you get there, all the good songs have already been played and everyone is ready to go home.
College Isn't Like The Movies
You won't see kids doing keg stands on Monday mornings before class, sorry to disappoint.
You Will Always Find Your People
If it's joining a club on campus or meeting new friends in class, it is really hard not to make friends in college unless you lock yourself up in your room all day talking to your boyfriend all day. You will find your place and your group as long as you're yourself and you make yourself available.
In The End College Is Really The Best Time Of Your Life
Meeting new people and making new memories is the best part about college and this is hard not to do. The good, the bad, and the ugly times make the best stories. Live in the moment and try not to stress too much!