The holiday season is right around the corner. In fact, colleges get out for Thanksgiving break in about two weeks, and students will be returning home. For some students, this will be the first time they’ve been able to go home this entire semester. With the excitement of returning to their family, many students, though, have felt withdrawal from one fluffy friend they were forced to leave behind. For most, that fluffy companion is their pet dog they sadly left when they had to go off to college. This best friend though has not forgotten their good friend who disappeared one day. In fact, they will be jumping for joy when their buddy finally returns home.
Now before returning home to see our dogs, I know for my roommates and I we have suffered severe withdrawals, and we are constantly talking about our pets and looking at pictures we have taken in the past of our dogs. In fact, we have even had our parents put our dogs on the phone when we FaceTime them, but in the meantime, every dog we see is called out and gawked at. Petting typically takes place with the owner looking down at us in concern because we have truly become desperate for the companionship of a furry friend.
If you’re like me, your dog is like a sister or brother. They are truly an extension of the family, and in a way, they complete the family. Life wouldn’t be the same without their goofy looks and begs for food when your Thanksgiving plate is filled high, or when they too decide to take a nap with you after a little piece of turkey somehow managed its way into their mouths. A pup is truly a part of their family’s life, and coming back home to see them is one of the best parts of the holidays.
Enjoy the holiday season. Enjoy family, friends, food and relish in the time you get with your pup. They miss you just as much as you miss them.