I have officially been home for a week now from studying abroad in England for six months. While I am happy to see my family and sleep in my own bed, there are many ups and downs to coming home from being abroad. The best (and probably only) way to describe coming home from being abroad, is having Parks and Rec do the explaining for me.
Seeing your family for the first time in six months is probably the best part about coming home from being abroad. Hugging them at the airport and crying over your exhaustion of traveling for 24 hours is the best homecoming anyone could ask for.
Shortly after you tell your parents how much you've missed them, you start to visit all your old favorite food places that you couldn't get while you were abroad and have secretly craving for the last six months. So you decide to treat yourself to all the fatty and greasy food that would be considered a sin when you were abroad.
After you've eaten your way through the town, you catch up with all of your friends that you haven't seen in six months. You gossip about people from your hometown, drive around and sing in the car, show them pictures from your trip and talk about all the mishaps you experienced that your BFF wasn't there to witness.
After seeing all your friends that you missed, you start to miss some of the big things from being abroad: seeing your study abroad friends everyday, traveling to a new country every weekend, trying new food and having an endless supply of awesome Instagram worthy pictures.
Slowly you start missing the little things from where you lived, including the accents, places you shopped at and the train you rode into the city center everyday. Even the little things start to make you depressed.
Then you start getting irritated by every little thing that the people around you do. The people in your small town seem much less interesting than the people in the small town that you saw everyday when you were living abroad.
Soon, the repetitiveness of being home and having nothing to do and no way of hopping on a train or plane and being in a different country in two hours will start to eat at you and you'll feel like you're living in a nightmare.
Once you realize that you are actually living in a nightmare, your emotional breakdown will begin and you will become the epitome of ugly crying.
And once you have cried out all your tears, and purged your sadness by looking through all your study abroad photos, you realize that studying abroad was an amazing part of your life, but not the best part. You realize that you still have years to have more incredible experiences and this one is just another notch on your belt.
And before you know it, you're planning your next trip, or next adventure and studying abroad will be another great memory.