Personally, I love coming home every once in a while from college. You get free laundry, free food, and your own personal bed back. You get the luxury of spending time with your family and catching up on every little thing that you have missed. And yet, something still feels off (at least for me). Yes, you are home. But in the back of your mind you know that you have to go back to college within the next few days. Don’t get me wrong, I love college and the life I have built here. But there’s nothing like coming home.
I usually go home once every month (sometimes more if there’s a holiday). When I first went to college I got in the routine to keep reminding myself that I would have to go back soon. But when Christmas break came, I had a month and a half off from school. I spent this time soaking up every little moment at home, and loving every bit. I eventually forgot that I had to go back to college after break was over. So when that time came, I was sad. I fell back into the routine that I had been living for the past 18 years before I had left for college. So after that, every time I went home I knew it would only be for a couple of days or so.
As I was writing this article, I was at my home in New Hampshire. I came home on a Friday so I could spend that Easter weekend with my family. That was the last time that I will be home before I am officially on summer break. Although I can't say that I was excited to go back knowing how much work I have to do before the semester is over. On the bright side, summer break is just a few weeks away. Then comes three sweet months of pure freedom. But during summer vacation, should I just keep reminding myself that I have to go back in a few months or just live in the moment? Knowing myself, I’ll probably do both. I can’t help but love being home, but will also probably be way too excited to start my sophomore year of college. That is why I think coming home in college is so strange, it’s a feeling like no other.