The most common saying that you hear growing up is "Family First." As cliché as it sounds, it's true, especially when you go off to college. Whether it's your first year of college or last, there is something about going off to college that will help you grow closer to your family. Whenever and whatever you are going through, they are there and they always have your back.
1. Your Mom Is Your Best Friend.
Don't fight it, just accept it. In the past, you may have gotten into little arguments with your mom about what to wear and what you can and cannot do, but now that you're older, you start seeing things in her perspective. You understand why she told you not to do that in high school or to always remember "______". Whatever it is, your mother-daughter relationship forms into a friendship and with that, you notice you start going to her for everything like how to cook this, or how to get a stain out, or how to solve a problem with your friends. Everything and anything she is there and wants to help you. Your mom is your best friend and number one supporter. Always has been, always will be.
2. Don't Forget To Call Your Parents Daily
One of my professors always told us to call our parents and tell them that we love them. Our parents have done so much for us and sacrificed so much for us to be where we are today. It may not seem like it all the time, but you are your parents' entire world. What you see and don't see, everything they have said yes to and everything they have said no to is geared specifically toward your growth. Just how you want to hear "I'm so proud of you" from your parents, they want to hear "I love you" from you. As we get older, that phrase may not be said as much, and you both know that the love is there, but it is still SO important that you call them and tell them about your life and ask about theirs, and most importantly that you love them.
3. Soak Up Every Second With Family Visits.
Whether you live in state or out of state, when you go off to college, you don't necessarily get to see your parents that often. The only times are during the holidays and summer break, and even so for some, it's limited. One important lesson that you learn when you go off to college is that family time is precious so it is important to make the most of it. Although moving away from your parents are all a part of growing up, it makes spending that quality time with them so much more valuable. Go to breakfast with your mom. Play that family game. Get off your phone! This is the time where your parents are looking forward to the most. They have given so much time and effort to you, and now it is your turn to give that same time and effort back to them.
4. Ask Your Parents For Advice.
Your parents are wise beyond belief. Believe it or not, your parents went through everything you have been through and everything you're going to go through. "But my parents don't understand". Actually, they do. They might not have gone through to the same extent, but most likely they have. In any situation, good or bad, ask your parents for advice. There is a reason why "Mother's always right" is a phrase. Parents are not perfect, but they do try to give you the best advice to you as possible. They want you to be happy, open, honest, and most importantly succeed so they will help you go in that direction so listen to what they have to say because you never know just when you'll be giving the same advice to your own kids one day!