The stress from school is temporarily over, your dorm room is now a blank slate, and you’re returning home for the summer, however, there is one problem; you don’t talk to anyone in your hometown anymore. And you’re probably thinking; yikes, this is going to be a long summer.
Yes, you caught me, I am referring to myself. I went to college with the mindset that pushed the thought, “out with the old and in with the new”. But, to be completely honest, I still stand with the decision I made when I was entering a new chapter in my life that last August. Going off to college has taught me many things, but one of the most important life lessons being it’s okay to cut out the people who don’t enhance your life for the better.
During my high school years, cliques were what made up the social chain throughout my school; as you can tell, I wasn’t in one. I didn’t see the benefit of cutting myself off to people who could have potentially made my life a more memorable one. However, if you weren’t in the clique, the members would consider themselves superior. I’m here to tell you, that couldn’t be any more false.
Coming back home, I realized that sure, maybe I wasn’t surrounded by all the people who I spent my four years growing and maturing with, but that isn’t something to be ashamed of. I began to feel lonely, but then I decided that it was more beneficial for me to cut out the people who made me feel like being myself wasn’t good enough because being yourself is the best thing you can be. Surrounding yourself with good vibes and positivity can seriously change your lifestyle for the better, creating amazing memories with the people who cherish you as a person and treat you with the respect you deserve.
Going home this summer from my first year of college began with a rough start; from practically being attached at the hip with my best friends at school to then watching the cliques from high school hangout again. It made me doubt my self-growth as an individual and question why I wasn’t good enough. But as I am writing this now, I appreciate the favor I did for myself, because I find myself much happier with the people I kept in my life rather than trying to please people with my presence with a personality that I do not contain.
So, if you find yourself not happy surrounded by the people you call friends, make it a goal to branch out in college. College is your time to figure yourself out as a person and grow; don’t change who you are to please someone else. I am so grateful for the friendships I’ve made and maintained throughout the course of my freshman year because I realized that these are the people who I am going to be sharing more of life's memorable moments with. I am also proud that I only kept the people in my life from my hometown who made me always feel welcomed, loved and supported throughout the many hardships I’ve experienced.
Sure, my summer may not be accompanied by all the people I share the same hometown with, but I’m at least being surrounded by the people who always made me feel at home.
“Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. It’s your life. Do what makes you happy,” (Unknown).