Moving to college is going into a completely different environment. You go from your own home, a kitchen that only your family uses, and not having classes all summer long, to sharing a small space with someone that you may not know. Once you are ready to move in, you say your goodbyes to your family and there could be tears. Being at school was completely different than being home; however, coming home after the second semester was much harder than moving to school last fall.
There is nothing better than knowing that I am working my way towards new environments and new opportunities. This includes moving into college. I had the chance to join clubs, go to campus events, and be challenged by my classes and progress through school. However, coming home did not give me the same feeling. Considering little-to-nothing in my house has changed, I feel as though time had stopped in my house when I moved into college.
During my first year of college, I grew as a person. I was challenged. I experienced success and I experienced failure. I made new friends. I tried a lot of new things. I started to figure out who I am as a person. Between the amount of exams that I had to take, club meetings, campus events and other obligations, these past two semesters felt as if they were each one month long at most.
When I came home, it was not just my house that felt the exact same as when I left it in the fall. It was also the people. Of course, I still see and love my friends from before I left for college, but everything felt different. By different, I felt different while some of them stayed the same. Nothing changed in the small town that I live in and some of the people never moved on from high school. While it seems slow and upsetting for me, the small and slow town setting is the only environment they have experience.
The saddest part was not the people around me. The town I live in is quite comforting and easy to settle into. However, the way that I got used to college makes me feel as if I do not belong at home anymore. Nothing against my little town, my little house, or my loving family, but I just feel as though it was not made for me anymore. Coming home, everything feels stagnant. Each day passes, nothing gets done, but everybody goes to bed as if the day was filled with adventure.
College made me want more out of life. It made me want to explore, to try new things and finish figuring out who I am. College made me want to continue growing, to learn and to be outside of my comfort zone. However, my comfort zone consists of this little town I call home and I am already ready to say goodbye in the fall. Security is nice, but how far is it going to take you in life?