It's almost here ... BACK TO SCHOOL! The new semester is upon us and college students everywhere are preparing to move back to their colleges. Whether you're moving into a dorm or apartment, these dogs are surely relatable to all. Plus, they're super cute.
1. Seeing your friends from college again.
Three months of not seeing your friends (especially if you live far away from your college town) is long enough. You can't wait to group up with your besties and enjoy a bowl of delicious dog food a brunch at the local restaurant in town.
2. Exploring your college town like you haven't been there in ages.
Roll down the windows, stick your tongue out (just kidding, don't attract flies), turn up the music and let your hair fly through the wind to let the town know that you are back.
3. Eating in the dining halls like it's the best food in the world.
At Virginia Tech, it is. No matter where you go to college though, you have missed the dining halls on campus and the fact that you have your own meal plan again.
4. It's the weekend before classes start and everyone wants to go out and have a good time.
5. Enjoying the freedom once again in your new dorm/apartment.
You just want to roll around and soak up your new freedom in your brand new dorm or apartment. Your parents just left, you still have minutes left until the nostalgia hits and you want to explore the freedom it comes along with college.
6. When it's time to play.
OK, I might have added this one in there. But seriously, adorable, right? Playtime is every time.
7. When you realize you have plenty of responsibilities now that you're an "adult."
You soon realize that you came to college to obtain a degree, and it hits you that you're actually going to class that following week. You start to slowly die inside on the way to becoming an adult.
8. When you attempt to "adult."
When you actually pull yourself off the (dog) bed, you try to get up but end up falling down once again. At this point you don't even get up anymore.
9. Sleeping in your new bed, tired AF from the long day you just had.
Finally, after a long hard day, you just want to come home and sit by the air conditioner with a nice cold bowlcup of water and sleep.
Whether or not you are a cat or dog or turtle person, these dogs will make anyone smile.