Freshman year of college is hard. Everything is changing and you don't have control over any of it. The first semester of college is one of the most difficult.
Transitioning from your parents telling you what too to having absolute freedom in every aspect of life is liberating and scary at the same time. After spending the whole semester worried about making friends and fitting in (and doing well in school, of course), leaving for Winter Break is bittersweet. College starts to become your home and your friends become your people.
Coming back from Winter Break is one of the best feelings in the world, especially for freshmen, and here's why:
1. You have friends
You get to come back to your favorite people and feel like nothing has changed.
2. You recognize people on campus
Shockingly, you actually have met these people before (AND you can say hi to them on campus)
3. You know how the dining program works
You don't have to be this girl anymore^
5. Everything is a little less scary.
You have people to help you through it all.