The infamous medical comedy-drama began in 2001 and follows the lives of medical interns making their way through residencies at Sacred Heart teaching hospital. Zach Braff and Donald Faison were the two best friends on the show that really characterized the meaning of friendship, they were basically married and it was actually incredible. Neil Flynn, John C. McGinley and Sarah Chalke were other regulars who provided some of the funniest moments on the show and gave us the crazy and unpredictable characters of J.D, Turk, and Dr. Cox.
The show not only spoke the truth about some of the harsh truths of medical hospitals and friendships, it gave us some life lessons as well. But this show is known for the witty one-liners and moments that could make you giggle uncontrollably.
You may need these moments in a time where you need laughter, or to be able to relate. You will not regret this.
How I feel on Valentine's Day.
How I feel after work, when discussing this election, and when I haven't eaten in more than five hours.
When my friends and I roll up at the same restaurant, this is usually how we feel when this happens.
Three words. HIGHSCHOOL. VENDING. MACHINES. I will get my gummies, now get this vending machine tipped over.
This is the moment I live every time I see my friends after I have not seen them in more than a few days.
" will be Slagathor." SLAGATHOR.
When you try a new coffee, and it is not what you expect at all.
Lastly, one of the best moments in the whole show.
I hope this got you to crack a smile, giggle, or even full on laugh. Sadly the show is past its prime, and now a sitcom to remember, but no need to fear, Netflix has our back.