The work of the farmer goes so easily unnoticed and underappreciated. The one thing people may understand about the farmer is that from their fields comes food. Which is true but there's more to it. The life of the farmer come harvest time is one that no one can truly ever fully understand, but it is a life that people need to respect and be thankful for. From the eyes of a born and raised farmer's daughter I can tell you that there are obvious signs that harvest is right around the corner...
1. Shorter tempers
When you grow up in a small town in the middle of wheat fields, you know your fair share of farmers. And when harvest time comes around you know that when you come across a farmer you know to keep the conversations short. It's not that farmers are rude, they are the exact opposite. It's just that harvest time is an event that the farmer prepares for all year long. 365 days a year and lots of money is put into these fields and for many farmers this event is what brings in a majority of the yearly income. So they are a little stressed and have a lot on their minds. Don't take it personally, just realize that this is the most stressful time of the year.
2. Everyone steps up in the house
You learn at a very young age how to make simple lunches for the workers and you pick up extra chores around the farm taking some of the responsibilities from the farmer.
3. Free time is non-existent
The month of harvest is off limits to any family trips or outings. When the weather permits cutting then you bet your booty those fields will be filled with combines trying to finish their last fields.
4. The farmer is awake before the stars go to bed
When I asked my dad (the farmer), "What is one way you can tell when it's harvest time?" The very first thing he mentioned was how you will hardly ever see your dad. If at all. The farmer wakes up before even the coffee shops dream of opening up, spends all day in the fields working on machinery or at the elevators. And their day doesn't end until well after sunset. Living on the farm you learn at a very long age to be grateful for what you have as well as the time you have with your farmer.
5. Church is the most family time you'll get...
And you know what? Spending time with the farmer and watching him or her praise God for the harvest this year and to also see them pray to God to hold off the rain just a couple more days, is worth every second you are apart from them. Thank God for the farmer.
These signs may seem all terrible, but honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. Farmers work so hard and expect nothing in return. No one knows what they go through in a year, no one quite understands the sacrifices they must make in order to prepare for the one major event that brings in a majority of the family's yearly income. So I encourage you, next time you buy a loaf of bread, or flour, or any sort of produce, send a thought and a prayer to the farmer.