Life in college is a lot. A lot of events, a lot of assignments, a lot of parties, a lot of meetings, a lot of conversations, a lot of time. And we all live college life a little differently. Some people like to go to bed by midnight and some when the sun is rising. Some people would choose to stay in rather than go out with friends. The point is, we are all unique and different people. We are all human. We all make choices. We all sin sometimes.
I've been caught up sitting in on a few conversations where people talked about "fake Christians". They go a little like this:
"She goes out to the bars Saturday night and then is sitting in church Sunday morning. How hypocritical."
"He's in a Christian organization and he cheated on his girlfriend... it's all just an act to get girls."
"She only reads her Bible to Instagram it later."
"They didn't even have the audacity to wash the X's off of their hands before church on Sunday."
You get it.
Jesus doesn't say, "Only come to me if you have no X's on your hands and you haven't sinned in the last 24 hours."
No, Jesus says, "Come to me! Come to me in the midst of your sin. Come to me dirty, stained, and broken. Come just as you are. I want you."
Just because somebody sins differently than you does not mean they are not worthy of being in God's place of worship or worthy of coming to the foot of the cross eager for forgiveness and acceptance. We are all sinners. We all have to start somewhere. It is when we are fully engulfed in sin when we see we need Jesus the most. Not one of us is perfect, and not one sin is worse than another. You see we don't earn this acceptance from Jesus, it is a gift given to each of us.
I've been there. I have been on the end where people spoke negatively about my actions and doubted my faith. I have been on the end where I've judged others. And let me tell ya, neither end is very fun. Both ends result in me running straight into the arms of our Healer, our Acceptor, our Friend, our Redeemer. His arms are stretched wide, ready to embrace us where we are. He meets us there and invites us close.
And it is in these moments that I want to be more like Jesus. I want to see that girl in church with the X's on her hands and accept her just the way she is. Because we are all in the same boat, we all want the love and acceptance only the guy who died on the cross for us can provide. Our God is one of mercy and grace, and he has an abundance for every single one of us. I'm going to continue to make mistakes and I am going to continue to run to Jesus when I am weak and shattered. We all will. And that, my friends, is the beauty of the Gospel.
So never think you are not worthy to come to Jesus, no matter your past, no matter what you did last night, you are wanted. He wants to welcome you with love and compassion. He knows every thought, word, and action, yet loves us unconditionally. Come to Him in need. Come to Him in praise. Come as you are.