The definition of life is different to every single person on this planet. Some people believe the definition to life is to go to school, get a job, find a partner and live happily ever after in a white house with a picket fence. My definition of life is completely different; to be genuinely happy, to laugh endlessly, to truly love everything and to be at one with oneself. How in the world can we achieve these goals while being stuck in a cubicle, in a library or in the routine of the american dream. You can break free from the expectations of your life. Break free from the duties of everyday life. Break free from the grips of social media and just live. Life is about being genuinely happy, and i'm not talking about finding a toy in a cereal box happy. I am describing the happiness that consumes you from the inside out and makes you want to improve every aspect of your life. The happiness that makes you spontaneous, and a thrill seeker. The happiness that has to laughing at 3 in the morning with your best friend for no apparent reason. Happiness and laughter go hand in hand; to be genuinely happy is to have your stomach in knots from laughing uncontrollably. To laugh endlessly about a stale joke that wasn't funny but after hearing it you can't stop the laughter. To laugh at the worst of situations because you know deep down things could be worse. To laugh with the person you love on a daily basis. Love is incredibly pure and a crucial element of life. It can make certain unfortunate situations whole. Love can make new born babies stop crying. Love can make enemies friends. Most raw aspect of love is it can heal a broken heart. The most important component of the definition of life is to be at one with oneself. Many people have low self-esteem, and critic who they are every single day. These people critic what they look like on the outside and who they are on the inside as well. People with low self-esteem face demons through their entire lives. Whether those demons are anxiety, depression or any other mental illness. One of the things about life is that we need to stand up to these demons. We need to overcome adversity and stand strong. Once you have overcome the obstacles in your way, than I believe you will be at one with yourself. The reasoning behind my definition to life is simple. Life isn't easy all the time, but it is beautiful, and it is what you make it. If you are unhappy in life, than the solution simple. The solution is either to be genuinely happy, to laugh endlessly, to truly love everything, and to be one with oneself. I believe if you find just one of these elements your life will improve. You only have one life why wouldn't you want to make the best out of it?
Health and WellnessApr 07, 2017
The Definition of Life
How to live an amazing life in just four steps