40 Things you Hope to Gain as a Columbia Student | The Odyssey Online
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40 Things you Hope to Gain as a Columbia Student

The key experiences needed to identify with #roarlions.

40 Things you Hope to Gain as a Columbia Student

Contributing Editor's Note: This is a collaborative piece by the following members of the Columbia Content Creator's Community at Odyssey-- Written by Angela Luo, Judith Teboul, Tj Givens, Michelle Yan, Chiara D. Fuller, and Brianna Alico

  1. A deep understanding of the Western Canon of literature, featuring writers such as Woolf, Homer, St. Augustine, Milton, and Morrison.
  2. The special bond among alumni who reminisce struggling through the Core at networking events.
  3. A broader skill set within core curriculum exploration.
  4. The knowledge on how to navigate city life and a cosmopolitan perspective.
  5. The tools necessary to be the next Obama--after all he is a Columbia alum.

Courtesy: Columbia Alumni Association

6. Understanding the significance behind memes like this:

Image Credit: memegenerator.net

7. Making a productive visit to your teacher’s Wikipedia page before you go to the first session during shopping week.

8. Full insight to creating your own Powerpoint themes and the Adobe Creative Suite.

9. Learning what “the primal scream” entails.

10. When Low plaza turns into the official Low Beach.

11. Screaming the fight song during NSOP as a first-year class.

12. Watching the Lions take on their competitors on a field Sports Illustrated named one of the best places to watch a football game on Robert K. Kraft Field at Lawrence A. Wien Stadium on 218th Street.

Image Credit: Tj Givens

13. Experiencing the intensity of a full-fledged Orgo Night.

14. Bragging rights for already seeing all the Broadway productions. Then, understanding all the metaphors in well-known books.

15. Surf and Turf nights at Low.

16. Experiencing Bid Night chants galore throughout the campus.

17. Cramming at Butler with friends before Finals.

18. Being somewhat competent at a foreign language thanks to the Core’s Foreign Language and Global Core components.

19. Building leadership and collaboration through our amazing student clubs and organizations like Youth for Debate, CU Panhellenic, and the Undergraduate Recruitment Committee.

20. Getting the perfect snap of EC’s top floor views. #goals.

21. Being a tourist daily in Manhattan visiting places that people only dream of going-- i.e. Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, and Times Square.

22. Getting the perfect Bacchanal garb.

23. Getting internships in the city and getting a taste of what being grown up (with a job) feels like.

24. Being disciplined and independent because that's required for success in the Big Apple.

25.Doing research with cool Columbia professors like Martin Chalfie

26. A reputable degree from Columbia’s renowned Fu Foundation School of Engineering. #seaskids

27. An 11/10 worldly education.

28. Attending more events and gaining a better understanding on current issues, research and interests that are being highlighted by Departments in our neighboring graduate schools.

29. Learning more about Harlem's rich history as well as present day events, establishments and people that make it an international historical gem in New York.

30. A sincere appreciation for required reading.

31. A personal hatred for required reading.

32. A personal, functioning balance between Shmoop, Sparknotes, CliffsNotes, Audible, Quizlet, and actually reading the required reading.

33. Experience with one of Mudd’s 3D printers.

34. An insider’s perspective on the millions of unique characteristics New York City has to offer: sightseeing, internships, museums, stores, architecture, art, history, and culture, to name a few!

35. Attending a World Leaders’ Forum event.

36. Being tested on by the psychology or business department for quick cash

37. Yet another night at Mel’s.

38. GreenFest with free ride-a-bike smoothies, Vegan snacks, cups, and tees.

39. Butler's roof (use caution).

40. A NSOP beautiful Koronet's evening.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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