Columbia College Chicago Majors As Characters From 'Parks And Recreation' | The Odyssey Online
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Columbia College Chicago Majors As Characters From 'Parks And Recreation'

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Columbia College Chicago Majors As Characters From 'Parks And Recreation'

We all know that Columbia College offers a number of majors and programs unique to the school. That's the reason most of us are here in the first place! Just like the characters of "Parks and Recreation," each major has a distinct personality. Here are the majors at Columbia College Chicago compared to the characters from "Parks and Recreation."

1. Leslie Knope - Live and Performing Arts Management

Between the Harvest Festival in season three and the Unity Concert in season six, Leslie knows what it means to work hard. Live and Performing Arts Management majors are used to the constant grind.

2. Ron Swanson - Interior Architecture

Ron Swanson is well known for his design and construction abilities just like the Interior Architecture majors. Unlike most students in the design program, he would actually enjoy Making I and II.

3. Tom Haverford - Comedy Writing and Performance

Just like a comedy major, Tom is always on and ready to perform. He knows how to commit to a bit and do whatever it takes to please a crowd.

4. Ann Perkins - ASL Interpretation

As a nurse member of the Public Health Department, Ann is always working to make people's lives better, much like the American Sign Language students at Columbia.

5. April Ludgate - Fine Arts

No one expresses themselves quite like April. She is the embodiment of the edgy, yet passionate Fine Arts students.

6. Andy Dwyer - Contemporary, Urban, and Popular Music

Andy's dream of being a world-famous rock star is what drives him towards success as a CUP major. He knows what it means to be creative and think outside the box.

7. Ben Wyatt - Cinema Arts and Science

Besides his persistence and attention to detail, Ben obviously has a deep appreciation for film, just like the Cinema Arts and Science majors.

8. Chris Traeger - Communication

Like a Communication major, Chris is an upbeat, energetic person who loves getting to know everyone.

9. Donna Meagle - Fashion Studies

Fashion majors are known for their fierce, unique sense of style and attitude, just like Donna.

10. Craig Middlebrooks - Acting

Like any good actor, Craig is deeply in touch with a wide range of emotions and isn't afraid to let them out.

11. Jean-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa Saperstein - Musical Theatre

These two are spontaneous, energetic performers who are notorious for randomly breaking out into song, much like the Musical Theatre majors at Columbia.

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