Hi there!
Have you ever felt so out of the sorts and wondered what happened to the old you? Well, that is how I feel now... I feel like I have worked so hard all my life and now here I am a year away from graduating.
You know college is great and all, but at times I just wish I can go back to being a little kid and not worry about all the big things that adults have to worry about.
I'm 21 years old and will be 22 this year and I am going to be a senior in college. When I was little it seemed like all I ever wanted was to grow up and be an adult and surely enough we all went through that when we were little, not know what it would entail being an adult. We all probably heard the phrase, "the older you get the more responsibilities you will receive." Let's just say my mom was right!
When we are young we have so much joy and happiness. We feel like no one can and no one will stop us from achieving our dreams and goals. Guaranteed when I was in elementary school I had high hopes and dreams and I still do I think. However, being younger just felt amazing than it does now. It's like now we are constantly being watched and judged. Not once have I received a positive perspective in college about choosing the career I have chosen.
Back in grade school, you had teachers that would encourage you and lift you up and that were there for you. Now in college, you have to fend for yourself. You may be blessed to have a teacher or two that actually like you and may encourage you, but that is very rare. This really bothers me, truth be told because here I am paying lots of money to go to school when all I receiving is negativity and judgment.
Negativity said constantly to someone destroys dreams. We must lift one another up and not shut each other down. The world needs more people in society that help one another and not push others down. Where is the reason for pushing people down?
I think because we constantly hear negativity lately that we ourselves start to believe the negativity and we become negative. We need more positivity. Especially for college students!
College students are trying to find themselves and start out their lives but how can they start out there lives if they start to hate everything.
Reflect on this today and lift one another up.
"Nothing is impossible the word, itself says I'm possible."-Audrey Hepburn