Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year, I would like nothing more than cash. Not giftcards, not trust fund money, I want cold hard cash. On top of that, I've been really stressed out lately and you know how I get when that happens, so I'd appreciate something for the stress. To take the edge off. If you know what I mean. Here are a couple of other things that I definitely need for Christmas this year, thanks homie.
1. A matching bra and underwear set that is too cute to ever actually wear.
2. Make me financially stable enough to care for a puppy and then make sure it stays a puppy forever.
3. I would like to be immune to gaining weight over Christmas vacation because, let's be real, I should have a hall pass on this one.
4. I never want my cabinets in my kitchen at school to be empty, ever. And no vegetables- with the exception of guacamole.
5. Good grades on my finals.
6. Fuzzy socks- you can not have too many, don't fight me on this.
7. K-Cups!!!!!!!!
8. Candles. Coziness is a priority.
9. Chocolate.
10. Someone else to pay for my spotify premium.
11. A personal assistant.
12. A neck pillow. I have sensitive muscles, okay.
13. Fairy lights because I'm basic :)
14. A fund specifically to pay for my gas and also my Dunkin' Donuts.
15. An extra day after Sunday and before Monday.