"New Girl" is a must-watch television series that combines drama and comedy between the various characters while facing maturing relationship and career choices. Here are a few things the characters do that can be tied back to college students.
1. When you treat yourself to a late snack.
Lets be honest, everything tastes better late at night.
2. When you receive a notification that an exam grade has been posted.
This could either be really good or really bad.
3. When you have an exam or presentation and you have to give yourself a pep talk.
Confidence is key. You got this, so believe in yourself.
4. When your favorite song comes on at a party.
Live it up and show those dance moves.
5. Setting multiple alarms to ensure you get up in the morning.
When you hear your alarm clock go off and you keep hitting snooze to get a little more extra sleep.
6. Wishing you didn’t procrastinate on that assignment.
That feeling of regret when there is so much to do but now so little time.
7. When all your friends have significant others.
Sure, being single is fun sometimes, but when you are surrounded by couples it can be tough to be around.
8. When asked what you are doing this weekend.
After a busy week of classes and activities there needs to be a day to catch up on some sleep.
9. When you see something that kills you.
Not everything always goes your way or how you expect it to, so it' OK to be sad. You just have to continue moving forward.
10. When you spot a cute guy.
We're all guilty of having that one cute guy you are constantly seeing around campus and while out. Props to you if you actually go up and talk to him.
11. When asked how a really tough exam went.
Sometimes no matter how much you study or prepare, there are those classes that you just can't seem to ace.
12. When you have an encounter with your ex boyfriend after a long time.
We have all had this moment, but instead of being sad you just have to smile and appreciate the memories that were shared at one time.
13. When it's pizza night at the dining hall.
Because who doesn't love pizza?
14. When you realize these are the best four years of your life.
Just like the characters on "New Girl," appreciate the friends you are surrounded by while going through the ups and downs of college life. Never take anything for granted. Sit back and relax; its going to be a fun ride.