Dwelling on the glorious high school days.
Yes, I am the college kid that can relate every subject to something that happened in high school.
High school for me was an unforgettable journey. As many times as I said that I was ready to graduate, I never really knew how different things would really be. I am on my own now. I am away from the comforts of my parents always telling me to be home at a certain time, and the never-ending talk about how I need to learn to manage money now.
I think that being at such a small school really influenced my love for high school. I was around the same 26 classmates every day (I know, we were tiny).
Most of my grade started school together at Pre-K and we also graduated together.
I always said that I was so ready for college, but I do miss this family that I had during high school. I miss the fact that I could always walk into my best friend's houses after school and go straight to the pantry because I knew it was okay to eat some snacks. I miss the random study sessions where we really never studied. I miss knowing teachers so well to the point that you asked about their family before the latest test grade. These are only a few of the things I miss from high school.
I’m sure that all the crazy things that went on at my school happened at others, I just feel that mine was the best.
I see all my classmates on social media living the college dream. We are all in our own new friend groups and in huge classes with people we don’t even know, but we know where home is.
We know where we grew up and where we always hung out after practice.
We have memories that will never be forgotten. We send simple texts to each other of how much we miss each other.
Our senior shirts say - “Chase your dreams, but always know the road that will lead you home again.”
I love my people.