As the school year comes to an end, most people can't wait for summer to start; they are ready to be done with classes and have longs days of happily doing anything they want. The same is true for the college freshman. Just like everyone else, they eagerly await the completion of their last final so they can finally start summer vacation. However, unlike high schoolers or those people who are further along in their college education, the college freshman, now soon-to-be sophomore, start to feel a little bit different as their summer goes on. Here's a list taking you through what former college freshman miss most about their first year.
1. School friends
This was kind of an easy one, but for most people it is was they miss the most when they leave for summer vacation. During your first year away from home you can meet people from all around the country, or even from different countries. Sure, you expect to miss them once everyone goes back home, but the actuality of it is much more extreme. The texts to them become more frequent and your conversations often involve how excited you are to go back or to see them again.
2. The food
Whether you miss your unlimited meal plan or your local fast food restaurants, the withdrawal of your daily food routine is an odd one. During the school year you complained about the crappy school food or lack of options, but as soon as you got home you begin longing for the ease of simply walking into your dining hall and picking up some food. Your meal plan may have not included the best food, but it sure was easy to get food whenever you wanted it without paying out of pocket. Also, you may not have the same fast food places at home as you do in your college town, so you also start longing for your new favorite foods. (CookOut, I miss you.)
3. Sporting events
Some of the most fun times during your freshman year may have been experiencing college sporting events as an actual college student, especially for those who go to bigger universities. Getting a group of pals together, attending the tailgate, and screaming your heart out watching your university's team play their rival is one of the many things college students can't wait to experience again the following year.
4. Social calendar
During the school year you always have something to do. You're constantly surrounded by your peers and friends, so having someone to hang out with is most likely always an option. You may have a roommate, so being lonely or bored isn't as frequent as it may be sitting in your bedroom at home. When the weekend approaches you already have plans and take advantage of the free time as much as possible. You may have thought that in high school you had a busy social calendar but once you experienced college for the first time, you can't wait to get back.
5. Independence
Oh to be living away from home. Just as you finally start feeling like you're growing up, you have to go back home for the summer. The idea of living away from your parents and being responsible for yourself may have scared you a year ago, but most of us adjusted to it, and actually miss it. Even if it was just in a dorm, you took care of yourself and forced yourself to actually act like an adult, but as soon as you got home you may have gone straight back to being under your parents' rules. Being able to come and go as you please, and not have to answer to anyone is an incredible feeling that we can't wait to get back to next school year.
Overall, the experiences of a college freshman are unlike any other; they are the memories that you hold on to. This past year may have been one of extreme personal growth for you or non-stop fun, but either way, the summer between your freshman and sophomore year can be one of longing to go back to your exciting life as a college student.