Without coffee, you would think that I wake up every morning, crawl into the shower, crawl back out, dress while sleeping on the floor, drive to class nearly asleep, pass out during lectures, fall asleep in the lunch line, then come back home and nap; this is what it seems like life would be without coffee. But the reality is a much different story!
Usually, I'll wake up and try to shower immediately after just to be a bit more awake, though admittedly, a warm shower doesn't always help turn my brain on for the day. For earlier mornings I will usually set out my clothes the night before, so I can leave quickly and don't have to rummage through my drawers or closet in a rush. If I am smart, which is uncommon most mornings, I'll try to have some vitamin C and water before a leave.
One big key to "life without coffee" is staying hydrated constantly. I usually drink about a gallon and a half of water per day, which seems like a lot but when you're drinking water constantly it becomes much more manageable. The science backs this up too:
"Staying hydrated helps maintain our energy levels by keeping muscles energized. Plus, dehydration can manifest as fatigue or low energy, so staying hydrated will help prevent that," says Kleiner.
Vitamin C will also help boost your energy as well as a few other health benefits, including recovery.
As well as staying hydrated for energy purposes, staying hydrated also helps for physical activity. I try to 'work out' most nights, which is usually just playing soccer for an extended period of time, between an hour and 2.5 hrs. This includes high energy sprints and a lot of jogging and walking. But most importantly it is a perfect release of energy and keeps me mentally and physically happy throughout the day as well as keeping me energized and ready for the next day.
Studying without coffee is probably the hardest part. I have ADHD and don't take anything for it, so I usually just resort to distracting myself for a small period of time and snacking then essentially hiding my phone and buckling down to study for as long as I am able to. These are the times I wish I drank coffee the most but I am trying to avoid it, as it can become a considerable monetary anchor.
Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/better/diet-fitness/down-l...