How many times have we have felt the pain of Tina Belcher as she tries to figure out the world. We got you, Tina, we got you. Or how many times did we want to literally destroy the world like Louise? I'll watch it burn with you, Louise. How often do we feel like we are in our own world like Gene? You do you, Gene. With all of our binge-watching, it's no wonder the Belcher family has become and icon among college students. We relate more to a TV family than those around us. Oh well, it's better than drugs, right?
1. Slowly going insane as the year goes on.
College seems like roses and rainbows until you find yourself talking to inanimate objects about philosophical dilemmas that you came up with at three-o'clock in the morning.
2. Free food is the best food.
Maybe it's the lack of money or the constant need for sugar and caffeine, but free food always, ALWAYS tastes better than food that is paid for.
3. Those teachers that you swear want to make your life miserable.
I'm not paying $50,000 a year to be harassed by you!!!!
4. Learning new things...
...mostly unhelpful, sometimes useless things, but hey, that's why I'm getting an education.
5. Finding where you belong.
Heck yeah I wanna join the engineering society, and yes, I will probably make some of my best friends there.
6. Doing absolutely everything you can to stay awake.
So. Much. Red Bull.
7. The Freshmen 15
What do you mean fruit snacks don't count as a fruit?
8. Re-inventing yourself.
What are you talking about?!?! I haven't changed!! I've always loved hard metal!!!
9. The ability to try new things.
I've never tried it, but maybe I'll be really good at filling the Brita with my tears.
10. Coffee is as essential as oxygen.
It tastes like dirt, but if it's helping me procrastinate on this 12 page paper, it is manna from heaven.
11. When college just, you know...
It could be worse, right?? RIGHT?!?!?
12. All the attractive people.
Oooo, the guy in the second row of my Chemistry class and I would make beautiful children. Does his major make enough money to support our family?
13. Meeting your best friends for life.
Yeah, I guess college isn't that bad.