When you go to school with a sibling, older or younger, a few things start to happen.
1. Family dinners look a lot different.
It used to be your parents and siblings all around a table eating moms home cooked meal with waters in glass cups and talking. Now its pizza rolls, some sodas on the living room floor crying because your favorite bachelor candidate was just let go.
2. You become friends more than siblings.
You'll still be weirdly closer than any of your other friends, but when you are finally on the same maturity level as a sibling everything falls into place. You can all of a sudden tell them things and do things that you only thought you'd ever do with friends.
3. You double your friend circle.
No matter if you are the older sibling or the younger sibling, you will meet your sibling's friends. These friends will eventually become your friends, thus doubling your group and giving you even more people to have movie nights with when you are busy procrastinating that 10 page paper.
These are just the top three things that happen when you go to college with your sibling. It becomes more than a college though, it becomes a true home. Knowing someone that is blood related to you is in the same town as you grow into adulthood brings a sense of calmness and peace to the exciting adventure that college is.