Weekends at college are a hilarious time, so what better way to describe them than with the funny woman herself, Ellen Degeneres? Does your college weekend ever look a little something like this?
When you finish your last class of the week:
Sometimes you decide to have a chill movie weekend:
Other weekends you know it is time to go out. All of a sudden, everyone gets real excited:
Your one friend comes up with a real weird idea as to where you should all go and everyone just...
Checking your make-up and testing facial expressions in the mirror:
Trying to get the perfect selfie for Insta before you leave:
You walk into the party with your squad:
When your song comes on:
Then you see that one really fun friend you weren't expecting to see and you run up to them
Your friend leans over to you and asks what you think of the person they want to bring home and you're like...
You then see someone you like and you tell yourself:
Then someone says it is time to leave:
On your way home, you always have that one friend who can't keep it together, and you look at them thinking...
But since you're a good friend, you help 'em out.
When you get back to the room, everyone goes a little overboard with the "Fat Shack" orders:
At the end of the night (in actuality, it is the wee hours of the morning), all you want to do is...
Enjoy this incredible time in your life, because you are only young once with all this freedom. Just always remember, do it responsibly!