Sometimes when you are a college student, all you want to be is done with college, and you get ahead of yourself. Like going into your 4th year, getting engaged, and wanting to be done with school because of the said engagement. Plus, four jobs to support this lifestyle. You decided that 21 credits, 18 of them being classes and 3 being an internship, is something you can actually accomplish with good grades. Even when living downtown with two roommates that support drinking just as much as you. So it is you, your two roommates, the bars, homework, jobs, friends, sleep and good ol' Netflix. It just makes you want to curl up in a ball and not think about anything. Well, aside from wedding planning, that is always fun. But nothing else, you even get stressed out from watching your favorite show on Netflix, and when you get to the final episode of the season or, even worse, the show itself, all you can do is lay down on the floor and hopefully manage to find the last beer in your fridge. But then, your roommates will come home from the bars and bring the party back with them. You simply can not think about anything else and 5 shots later you are caught up with most of your friends. What is the point of going to bed now? Your bedroom is right off of the living room, so you wouldn't be getting much sleep anyways. Finally the party dies down and you have an hour before you have to be up for your next job and a full days worth of class. Oh, and that internship that is so boring all you want to do is sleep and call in sick. Actually you love what you do at your internship, but there are things about it you just don't agree with, so that puts you more down in the dumps than anything else. You come home, really needing a strong drink or a glass of wine, and there it goes again. Sunday night rolling into Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, until you get to Saturday when you curl up in bed with a new book or another favorite Netflix show. But Sunday rolls back again and what happens? You opt to go downtown with your roommates and think "This is college, you only live once, one drink won't hurt."
Yep, it hurts.
Well, here's to my Monday.