Things you may not realize are different between high school and college:
No one cares if you wear pajamas to class
Wearing the biggest t-shirt and fuzziest socks you can find is basically the newest trend.
You don't live with mommy anymore, say hello to cereal and Ramen Noodles
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Curfew? Never heard of her.
No you don't have a curfew anymore, but nothing good happens past 2am.
Everything said in class is most likely posted online
No need to email your professor that you're "sick", most professors will post all their lecture slides online.
Sundays are now for hangovers and homework
Sunday funday? Said no one ever.
The realization that you need your pet now more than ever
I only love my bed and my puppy I'm sorry
High school parties are nothing compared to college
"Just 2 shots of vodka"
Exams are worth way more than participation points
An exam worth more than 20% of your final grade? Thats outrageous!
The library is now your new best friend
You're only a loser if you DON'T know where the library is
You don't live with your mom anymore... call her
Mom, I love you.