Talk to any college student and they'll probably say college is much more difficult than high school. But is it really? Of course the work is more in depth than high school, but its not that much harder. However, college is very different. Here's some differences I've experienced so far:
1. A much different schedule.
All the way from elementary school to high school you've had a full day of classes, with extra curriculars afterwards. In college, most people have three or four classes a day and probably one day a week with one or none. And many activities and clubs are at night, but not all of them. Sports teams practice when they can, not necessarily after a day full of classes.
2. You're treated like an adult.
Professors expect you to be responsible young adults and will treat you as such. This means the homework isn't written on the board and due dates aren't announced all the time. If you miss class you can go to the professor's office hours, but you're in charge of getting any work you missed. There aren't any "while you were out" folders. And if you happen to be out right before a quiz or test? Too bad, you still have to take it because you are expected to be prepared.
3. No scheduled lunch time.
In college you can eat what you want when you want and no one cares. The dining commons are open for long periods of time so whatever time works best with your schedule is fine. Also, there are way more options than in high school.
4. Your homework is still due next class.
However, there's usually at least one day between classes, sometimes more, so you don't have five classes worth of homework due the next day. Professors are also fans of long term homework and give you a whole week to do it.
5. There's always something happening.
In high school, there are usually a few big events during the year and maybe some smaller ones. In college though, there's always something planned. The weekends are packed with fun (and safe) events for everyone to go to. And because everyone's schedule is different, there are activities planned during the day as well.
6. No more free textbooks.
High schoolers: Do not take free textbooks for granted. In most college classes you are required to get your own textbook and/or reading material. There are websites that will have them cheaper than the college bookstore, but it still adds up. Appreciate those free high school textbooks while you can!
7. Multiple social circles.
Its easy to make friends in high school because you see the same people everyday. Its not like that in college. Chances are you'll have multiple groups of friends, like friends from your residence hall, friends from different clubs, and friends from class. But the more the merrier, right?
8. There's way more enthusiasm.
Basically everyone wants to leave high school as soon as possible, but everyone I've met at college loves it and doesn't want to go home. The amount of school spirit displayed for every sports team (not just football) is overwhelming and the amount of students involved in other clubs is amazing. Here at Stonehill we really do "bleed purple" and I wouldn't have it any other way!