As a rising high school junior, I've entered the often dreaded period of searching for the perfect school to attend post high school graduation. Luckily, my parents both work at a local prestigious university, and know exactly what to look for. Based on their experiences dealing with college students, and on my older friends' experiences with visiting colleges, I've come up with a list of important questions to ask/things to keep in mind when you're visiting colleges.
1. Determine what size campus would be ideal for you
My mother believes that this is one of the most important things to consider. She says "It's not just about the size of the actual campus, but also the number of students who will be walking around it every single day."
Recommended for you
2. Consider visiting schools with active clubs that interest you
This could be sororities, fraternities, religious groups, or just special interest groups. Before visiting a school, research their clubs and see if any interest you!
3. Definitely consider costs when deciding on colleges
Consider EVERYTHING when you calculate costs, like food, rent, books, and even travel costs. You don't have to eat ramen for every meal, but definitely take your food budget into consideration. Tuition prices can be steep, and unfortunately they often make or break a college, so plan out your finances!
4. Do your research on scholarships!
Through a lot of research and a bit of luck, my dad was able to attend a state school for absolutely free. Yes, that's right, absolutely free! How? He had great grades and test scores, so the college offered him a full ride. Everything, from tuition to textbooks, was covered, and he even got a stipend each semester. So, if you have good grades and test scores, take some time and look at all the scholarship opportunities at your dream schools.
5. Schedule a visit at a college you're interested in!
This one may seem like it should be common sense, but definitely sign up for a visit/tour! The tour will most likely be lead by an energetic college student who's passionate about that particular college. Also, they'll probably give you tips and secrets about that certain school! One of my best memories from visiting Vanderbilt was chatting with my tour guide as we walked around campus. We discussed everything from the food to the football games, and it made me feel really welcome at the school.
6. Plan your vacations around schools you want to visit.
Every time my family goes on a vacation, we make it a mission to visit at least one local university. So far, I've visited the University of Hawaii, the University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Washington University in St. Louis, Mizzou, Southeast Missouri State, University of Maryland, Georgetown, and we're planning on visiting the University of Alabama and Auburn University sometime in the spring of 2017. All these college visits gave me the perfect opportunity to see what I really liked (and disliked!) about a university.
7. Research colleges that have great programs in your area of study.
Right now, I'm strongly considering becoming a speech pathologist. Based on that, I've researched several colleges that have specialized majors and graduate programs for that job and jobs similar to it. One great way to research schools is to visit the College Board website and click on "College Search." This will take everything, not just your intended major, into account when narrowing down a list of schools that may be right for you.
I hope this article helps anyone about to start the college search process! Remember, focus on your interests and preferences when choosing universities to apply to!