College City is a dangerous place: menacing threats like finals, toxic frenemies, and professors who take 5 percent off of your final grade because your margins were formatted incorrectly lurk around every corner. As the premier protector of the city, it's your responsibility to be vigilant and on-your-toes at all times, wielding your weapons (flashcards and the ability to stop watching Netflix) with justice.
Here are three of the most common super villains you'll meet in undergraduate:
1. Indignant About Major Girl
This dastardly villain always seems like they have something to prove. Coated in an air of cognitive dissonance, this mastermind has some kind of deep-rooted insecurity about their chosen college major. Be it the fear that what they've picked as their calling isn't actually that interesting or the realization that getting a job in philosophy might be a little tougher than previously imagined, this villain will defend their major to the death against any others. Comes in two breeds: putting down other people's choices (usually STEM students) or constant rationalization that they've made the right choice (usually liberal arts students). If not experienced with this type, stay far and away from the "#ThisPsychMajor" tag on Twitter. While these types can be dangerous, they are easily neutralized with the reminder that none of us are going to have jobs anyways.
2. Startup Baron Cohen
This villain fashions himself as the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates if instead of creating the desktop computer, Bill Gates said "forget this, let's reinvent the wheel instead." He follows pages like "Motivation Mafia" on Twitter and Instagram, and un-ironically uses the word "hustle" to describe his work. His new app is a "game-changer," and he will tell you about it at length in what is essentially the opposite of a Siren's song; the only similarity is tears and death. Despite swearing to God he is already talking to angel investors, his Kickstarter is barren. Although he is a sophomore computer science major, he calls himself both a dev and a CTO, much in the same way that applying lipstick to a pig turns it into a beautiful woman. He uses and expounds the benefits of Bitcoin despite not living in Yemen or a North Korean labor camp. He knows what Namecoin is. He is legally required to wear Tom's Shoes at all times. The trick to dismantling this villain is to stop his pitch dead in it's tracks. When he starts speaking to you about his startup, cut in with "Oh, like [popular app]?" He will be so floored that you are not impressed by his creativity, and you can easily make a quick escape.
3. Takes Instagram Way Too Seriously Girl
Often times a beautiful maiden with emojis surrounding her name, this villains looks may be deceiving- though beautiful, she is just as dastardly as her counterparts. Often worried about her theme, she will choose one filter and one filter only to use on her social media app. She gets her power from tribunes of fans who follow her and "like" her photos, carefully constructed into a mosaic of illusionary perfection. She will not order food that is not aesthetically pleasing, so visiting a McDonald's or Five Guys will provide a safe haven for these drones roving the planet. While dangerous, she is not above salvation; the especially talented young hero can turn this foe into a friend by remaindering her that the place called "outside" exists and inviting her to visit it.
Young hero, though you are inexperienced now, you will soon grow strong. Though there are many other types of villains, these are the most common and most likely to ruin your working lunch. Remember to always keep your wits about you, and continue to fight the good fight.