It’s no secret that terrorism is no stranger to the world in which we live. There is no explanation to anything that happens between us and everyone else. Who are we to say that it is everyone else’s fault, when we don’t know the entire story? We know what we are told, and that is very limited compared to what is actually happening. The messages we are sent by news companies and presidential speeches are either a sliver or an exaggeration of the truth.
I would like to take a moment to send my prayers for everyone who was involved in the recent terror attacks in France and Beirut. My thoughts go out to family and friends who have lost their loved ones and everyone who has survived and is suffering through what has just happened.
I’ve taken a pretty neutral stance toward the matter at hand. I chose to do this for the sake of not only my personal assurance, but the people with whom I surround myself.
Way too many of us are getting involved, and getting worked up over something in which we have no say. How can we be assured that refugees are guaranteed either a place to stay in our country, or not? Our political heads have very little say in this matter. The one person who can make the decision to close our borders or not is the president. In his decision to open our borders and allow refugees in, there is a continuous sense of fear from many residents of the U.S.
As a college student, I believe I should be aware of what is going on around me. Too many people state their opinions toward this, leaving us to decide where we stand. I have made my decision, and that is nothing but to keep an eye out on the news, and appreciate the life I’ve lived to this point. I have been given the opportunity to be raised in a family who knows their values, and how to make important life decisions. This is a decision of mine that I personally am making, and I am running with it.
Yes, I agree with the idea of saving the lives of people in need.
No, I do not agree with letting just anybody into our nation of freedom.
Syrian refugees are in desperate need of love and care, which we can give to them. However, what about the millions of people in our own nation who aren’t able to support themselves? That is an issue we need to solve before we start making promises we are unsure that we can keep.
There are many people suffering here within our borders. The sick, the poor, and the homeless need our help before anyone else. We simply cannot afford to create more poverty in our nation. I am fully aware of how much terror these refugees are going through, and I send my prayers and greatest wishes their way.
Being in college forces me to adjust to the life of making my own decisions and being my own person. Living in fear of threats by outside terrorist groups simply is not what I need to be worrying about. My heart goes out to those who have fought for our freedom, and lost their lives doing so. My heart also goes out to those who are continuing this fight, and doing whatever they can to protect people around our country, the nation we love.
Every one of my professors has asked us how we stand on what is going on, and more often than not, my classmates have remained quiet. What we think is not the question, but how we feel would be the more appropriate question. We all feel very strongly about supporting our opinions. One student could feel very strongly toward allowing refugees into the country, and one student could find it very hard to come to that conclusion.
My message here is simply nothing but an opinion. Everybody is allowed an opinion, and in this case, here is mine. I offer this to you with the utmost regard because I love the life I have been given, and to see that come to an end because of terrorism would be shameful.