Ever since I was younger, I have always been a huge fan of The Sims franchise. My sister and I used to spend countless hours controlling the lives of these pixelated characters. Of course, there were bound to be some hilarious glitches along the way. Now that I'm a sophomore in college, I have realized how relevant these technology errors are to the daily struggles of college students. Without any further explanation, here is my list of college experiences, as told by glitches from The Sims.
When you're trying to find a good excuse to miss class or work:
"Why can't you come into work today?"
"I've become a kitchen counter."
When you try cooking for the first time:
"Are you sure I'm not doing this right?"
When you're trying to study and someone won't be quiet:
"Just. Leave. Me. Alone."
When you stayed up too late studying for a test:
"At this point, I don't even care when or where I sleep."
When you do something stupid in public:
"Let me just 'nope' right on out of here."
When you hear bad things about something you like:
"Shh, I'm trying to hear them talk."
Of course, there are a lot of other glitches from The Sims out there. But I picked a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoyed seeing some of these glitches and how they relate to college students!