Who would've thought that a movie about monsters could relate so much to the human world? Disney and Pixar's "Monsters University" definitely hits spot on with quite a bit of the aspects of college life in the human world that all us college kids can relate to. Here's a few images from the movie that can help explain just how we feel in certain situations.
1. When you finally get to campus...
You're so excited to finally be at school either for the first time as a freshman or a returning student and you've missed this place so much.
2. When you get your student ID card.
Everyone was a freshman once and we're all stuck with the same awful student ID photo that you never want anyone to ever see.
3. When you're trying to make friends.
They say you find your friends for life in college, so you obviously need to make the greatest ones.
4. When you find your group of best friends.
It's a great time when you finally settle in with that one group of friends that you can be your weird self with.
5. When you go the activities fair.
Let's face it, we all just go for the free food and free stuff.
6. When it's your very first day of classes.
As a freshman, you're super excited and eager to learn (give it about two weeks).
7. When you wake up late for class.
And instead of getting ready and going like you should, you just proceed to freak out. You learn not to after a while though and just roll up to class late.
8. When you're running to class.
However when you are late, it feels like you can't move fast enough.
9. When you feel like there's that one professor who's just out to get you.
We all have at least one professor who no matter what we do or say it always seems like they're out to make you fail.
10. When the teacher says there's a pop quiz.
I don't even think this one needs an explanation.
11. When you stay up all night studying/doing homework.
Your blood might as well just be coffee.
12. When you get a good grade on the test you studied really hard for.
And you walk out of the class like a boss.
13. When you thought you did really well on a test but you actually failed.
Let's face it, this happens at least once a week.
14. When you tell your parents you failed the test.
Because feeling like you disappointing your parents is one of the worst feelings ever.
15. When you pass a test you thought you failed.
It is the ultimate victory.
16. When you realize it's the weekend but you have homework.
Must. Get. Work. Done.
17. When you get your work done, and you go out.
It's the weekend, and whether your work is done or not, you're going out to dance and have a good time.
18. When you're at a party and your friends are being idiots.
Sometimes you question why you're even friends with them.
19. When you see someone you don't like or who doesn't like you.
Don't we all just wish we could disappear, but it usually involves running and hiding.
20. When you think you have your life together.
It's an awesome feeling that lasts all of maybe an hour.
21. When you go to the gym.
So like, once a semester.
22. When you realize how much work you actually have.
And you don't even know where to begin.
23. When you're trying to make it through an 8 a.m.
These 8 a.m. classes are basically cruelty.
24. When you realize you have no idea what you actually want to do with your life.
You think you've got it all figured out and then you actually get to school and it's like: "LOL no I don't.
25. When you realize you're broke.
Every penny counts.
26. When nothing seems to be going right.
We've all felt like the world was just wiping the floor with us.
27. When you realize everything is going to be okay.
It's OK to feel like that, everyone does. Take a few steps back, a few deep breaths in, and relax.
28. When you see a puppy.
Puppies just make everything better. End of discussion.
29. When it's finally break.
You've made it through midterms or finals and it's finally time to do absolutely nothing.
30. When you say good-bye to your friends.
Break does mean leaving your friends whether it be for a week, a month, or three months, you're going to miss your people so much. (Even though five minutes after you leave you'll be non-stop talking until you're back together.)