1. When your alarm goes off for your 8 a.m.
Which means it's time to decide whether you're going to get up and get ready or skip...again
2. Trying to convince your friends to drink with you this Thursday
and of course, they do.
3. When someone tries to talk to you before noon
I need about two more coffees before I can talk to you
4. Talking to your girls about their guy problems
Point blank.
5. And then of course helping them when they get heart broken
Usually with some more wine and a GNO.
6. Telling your roommates that your best friend from home is coming this weekend
Obviously you need to tell them how much you love her and hoe much their going to love her.
7. Seeing a friends ex at the bar
And having to refrain from throwing a drink on him.
8. Talking about finals coming up
And you realize you have to work your ass off to get your grade up
9. When someone brags about their 4.0 GPA
And of course the ones who tell Facebook about it
10. Basically everyday after classes
11. Checking blackboard Sunday night
And seeing you have an exam, two papers, a quiz and a project due that week.
12. Deciding whether or not to bring your credit card out on Thursday nights
You know you better not.
13. Complaining to your roommates about how much work you have to do
14. and how you finished your series on Netflix so you actually have to do it
15. And the year is almost over and it's time to say goodbye to your roommates
But of course, you already made summer plans to see them next weekend.