Sure, the ladies of Beverly Hills have better clothes, shoes, living quarters, cars....and definitely, aren't living on a college budget, but they are totally relatable, just typically in a different context.
1. When you rush to your early (10 AM) class but your professor forgets to take attendance
2. When you ask your professor a question and they say, "it's on the syllabus"
3. When you walk into your TA's office hours
4. When your parents ask how you're doing in your classes
5. Whenever someone asks how you are during finals week
6. When a girl stares at you too long in the bar
7. When your professor assigns a group project
8. Scrolling through pictures from the night before like:
9. When the bouncers see you walk into the bar
10. When you have to get your C's to A's in 2 weeks
11. When you leave your last class before the weekend
12. When your professor says the final is cumulative
13. When you become friends with girls you just met in the bar bathroom
14. When your professor says phones aren't allowed in their lectures
15. When you share your midterm study guide
see? just like us, only not......