If you haven't watched Bob's Burger's on Netflix yet I want you to stop reading this and go watch it. Stop everything you are doing and watch Bob's Burger's. When I first started watching my friends actually made fun of me because it was "stupid". Well it is not stupid, it has some stupid things said in it but it is hilarious. The Belcher family describes come college experiences and ways that we feel/think.
1. When you sign yourself up for an 8 a.m.
There is really no explanation needed for this one. We have all signed up for that one 8 a.m. that we regret. Whether we had to sign up for it, or those were the only times given we still regret it.
2. When you actually show up to your 8 a.m.
I can not be the only one who shows up and this is all you're thinking. When I shop up to my 8 a.m. it's to early my brain isn't even working. All I think about is uhh what's going on?, uhh what is he talking about? Clearly Tina relates also.
3. When you don't have enough time to eat in between classes
Everyone has had those classes that are so close to each other during lunch time. We try everything we can by bringing out lunch with us, eating before, eating after, but nothing seems to ever satisfy you. Clearly we need to think more like Gene (minus the hot sauce)
4. When you are trying to eat healthy, and be fit in college
Working out and sticking to a diet plan is a lot harder than everyone thinks. Life throws a lot of curve balls, a lot of late nights, and no energy. After working out you don't feel like doing a whole lot of anything except sleeping. Obviously Tina just got done working out.
5. When your mom says "This is the last time I'm giving you money"
We have all come to this point at least one time or another. If you haven't well then kudos to you. My shopping and eating out habits have only gotten worse with college along with going out to the bars with friends. Mom to the rescue, well most of the time.
6. When you see cute boys while walking around campus
Does this really even need an explanation?
7. When your teacher says "Don't pack up I still have a few minutes left"
Don't get me wrong I understand that we are paying for full classes and all that but are we still in high school? Once you are done with your lesson don't continue to blab to me about information that is not useful. Only so much can fit in my brain at a time.
8. When you don't have anything going on, but feel like you're forgetting to do something
We all want to enjoy ourselves when we don't have any homework due, and don't have any meetings to attend. It's so hard to do that because you are feeling like you forgot something or you aren't doing what you're suppose to be doing. Clearly Gene has felt this exact feeling before to.
9. When you tell yourself "I'm only going out for one drink"
I have done this countless times. Always the same excuse, always get the same result. A good night with a massive hangover. Maybe I should just stop lying to myself about it. Louise knows what's best for me.
10. When you've sold your soul to the University you attend
Not only has it been sold to the University but also banks for student loans. Everything you do, and spend money on is for books, and education, but you love every minute of it so you're okay with it.
11. When you're not 100% sure on how to communicate with boys
I hope I am not the only one who struggles with talking to the opposite sex. Something about them makes it very hard to talk to them, even if they say they're "easy to talk to" they're not.
12. When you see all the tan people who come back from spring break
It's the worst when you show up to classes the first day back to spring break and everyone is 10 shades darker than you. It also sucks when everyone says "dude I went down in a shark tank over break" or "dude my tan lines are so bad". Well I took the world's longest nap, and ate my weight in home cooking, so who is the real winner?
13. When you're trying to finish the semester strong
Although you're tired, and feel like you are drowning you can do it. Ace those tests, and finish all those papers you've been putting off, it will be worth it in the long run.