How I Met Your Mother is one of my all-time favorite shows. Barney Stinson is a character that does not seem like a social norm, but if you pay close attention, he does have a more realistic side. Although Barney never actually attended college he is most relatable to college students.
When you have a million things to do and try to hold yourself together.
When you have finished an assignment that you poured your soul and a week's worth of your life into and need to know your grade immediately.
When a friend wants you to go out, but instead you decided to go to bed by 9.
When you become friends with a bunch of seniors and they are graduating in a few months.
When professors make you actually read the textbooks.
When you put something on other than sweatpants and a t-shirt for the first time in a week.
When you pull an all-nighter to finish all of your assignments knowing you have a class first thing in the morning.
When you can't remember what your flashcards said, so you make something up in hopes of getting partial points.
When your professors say that the paper/project is not something you can do last minute, so you do every single thing a week before finals.
While we may not all be at the bar every night trying to pick up girls, we can all relate to Barney.