Summer is the time to kick back and relax.
It is the only time of the year to free of worrying about going to class or having to do homework, but once August rolls around every college student begins to think to themselves "how many more days until I get to go back?"
And if you are not thinking about how soon you get to go back, you probably did not pick the right school for you.
1. Hearing about people who are not excited to go back to college...
2. And the follow-up question after hearing they are not excited.
3. Remembering all the fun you are going to have on your first night out being reunited with friends you have not seen in what feels like forever.
4. "Do you really like being away from home that much?"
5. But, at the same time, thinking about leaving behind your mom.
6. And thinking about all the homework that comes along with college...
7. Talking about your first night out will all your friends.
8. Thinking about all the cute boys you have been away from for so long...
9. Then thinking about all that the cute boy has put you through in the past...
10. And telling yourself you will not and can not fall for them all over again.
11. When the count down has finally ended and it is move-in day.
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