I came across a post online a while back that said, "College is basically a neverending to-do list. Even when you're not doing anything, you feel like you have to be doing something." This, ladies and gentlemen, is the unfortunate truth that comes with the introduction to adulthood.
As you go about the school year, it seems as though a constant swarm of tests, homework, and chores are circling your head, snapping at you to get to work. When one of them isn't borderline pulling your hair out over stress, the other jumps in to take its place. The cycle never shows any promise of ending, leaving you in a constant state of paranoia.
I've recently fallen victim to this curse, and the year hasn't even STARTED.
Anytime I find myself lounging around the house, or spending time with friends, the thoughts of college creep up the back of my neck.
"You should be packing."
"Are you sure you've got everything you need?"
"You better go buy more decor just in case, but also start saving money for when you get to campus."
"How are you going to balance a job and school this year?"
These worries have driven me to the point where I want to scream out of sheer frustration. Summer is a time meant for relaxation, yet here I am. Without homework and studying being a current priority, my mind has continued to find little ways to incorporate stress into my life.
If I'm not fixated on school, I begin to look to the future, wondering about the many possibilities of what could occur, and feeling like I need to begin mentally and physically preparing RIGHT NOW.
Having these thoughts piled on top of projects I actually need to complete doesn't help in the slightest. I've tried finding ways to bring an end to my stress and a steadier beat to my heart. Writing in my journal, saying a prayer when I need to, finding little things to be excited to be excited about this coming year...it's all worked great as of now.
I know my to-do list will only continue to grow, and I've begun to eliminate anything that doesn't need to be addressed within the next few weeks. I will continue to use my current relaxation methods and many more to prevent my stress from going into overdrive.
If everything continues to move in a positive direction, all the more reason to continue to keep moving forward.