Fall semester may have started off with a bang, but by the end of it many people were burnt out and struggling. To avoid that this semester, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) Don’t let last semester define you
Everyone has bad semesters and it’s okay to leave those in the past. You are not defined solely by the things that you did during your fall semester. Holding onto poor decisions won’t do you any good this semester, so don’t let your mistakes or an older version of yourself dictate your decisions for this year. There will be new opportunities for friendships, relationships, and all things college, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of them- no matter what Fall Semester You would have done.
2) You are not the same person you were 5 months ago
You’ve grown sooooo much, even if you can’t see it right now! Every day you change a little bit, no matter how stuck you might feel sometimes. It’s okay to acknowledge that you are changing because it’s (most likely) a great thing! Sometimes you outgrow people or places, and if that’s the case, then it’s okay to move on to continue to grow. Don’t hold yourself back just because you can’t move into this new phase of your life.
3) You can learn from your mistakes
Did you burn yourself out because you over-scheduled yourself? Well, here’s your chance to avoid that this semester. If you feel like you’d be more productive with more structure in your life, then go out and buy a planner... or maybe a life coach depending on how bad off you are. If you realized that you were surrounding yourself with toxic people, then here’s your chance to cut them off and start curating healthier relationships.
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