College has its many ups and downs. Here are some typical college occurrences that we can all relate to- courtesy of the fabulous Kristen Wiig.
1. When your alarm goes off for your 8 am class on a Monday morning
2. When the try-hard who sits next to you in class gets a much better grade than you on that exam you studied weeks for
3. When you try extra hard for a theme party and can't wait to show off your killer look
4. When someone asks you what you're doing on this fine Wednesday evening
5. Getting back an exam that you were sure you failed, but actually got a passing grade on
6. Making eye contact with your friend after finding out that your Friday morning class was cancelled
7. When class is basically over but someone decides to ask the dreaded question "is there homework?"
8. When you take a peak at your bank account balance
9. When it's Thursday night and you're trying to decide whether to stay in and write your 10 page paper, or go out all night and deal with it in the morning
10. When the dining hall is serving free late night food
11. Going home for a break and coming back with a haircut and your nails done, feeling fabulous and pampered
12. When your friend shows you videos of yourself from the night before
13. When you are taking an exam and you don't know the answer to the first question
14. When you finish your last midterm
15. Remembering that you have leftovers from the fancy restaurant you went to with your mom on parents weekend
16. When someone tells you that they have their life all figured out
17. When you take a Sunday off to pamper yourself, because you are a queen
18. When it's your second month in a row being sick
19. When you wake up on Sunday morning to a dorm room that looks like Hurricane Mathew just hit
20. When you're just about ready to kill your friends, but you know you'll get separation anxiety over the next break