If you haven't heard, you can barely see Michigan on the map right now. We are being pounded by not only a snow storm, but a cold front. So here are 10 things crossing my mind while I'm crossing my fingers that my university cancels classes tomorrow!
1. I'm going to sue if they don't close school...
I could slip and fall. I could freeze to death or get frostbite. I'm suing.
2. Do they even care how much I pay in tuition???
I don't think anybody who pays college tuition wants to die ON THEIR WAY to get what they pay for! At least use some of my money to buy some salt for the sidewalks...
3. I'm going to freeze to death...
My boots were made for walkin' but not in the snow...
4. I'm skipping!
5. But if I skip, I can't miss any more days...
6. Maybe my professors will cancel on their own...
7. I'm not a good driver...
I only got my license four years ago! How am I supposed to safely navigate a snowstorm and negative wind chills at 20 miles per hour?
8. I'm transferring to a school that actually cares about me!
That's so much work though. Please just cancel class.
9. There's no way they won't cancel class...
Because if they don't, I'm suing for real.
10. They finally closed campus!
So they do actually care about me. Good to know!
Everybody stay safe out there! Hopefully, your campus (and mine) continues to care about your safety.